Women’s Inter Club League By Laws

Women’s Inter Club League By Laws

These competitions shall be Inter Club competitions to be run on a league basis and are to be played under the following By Laws and the Conditions of Play specific to the event.

Women’s First Division – Wynn Cup
Women’s Second Division – McDonald Shield
These floating trophies shall be held for the ensuing year. In addition, prizes may be awarded to the winning Clubs in each division at the discretion of the Executive.

All members of a side must be bona fide first call members of their affiliated club and appear on the BSA Database as an affiliated bowler throughout the competition. A reserve of the same standing may be registered. The sides in all divisions shall consist of two four’s teams. An affiliated Club may enter as many sides as they desire, however no Club shall have more than two (2) sides in any Division. In the event of that being the case, those two sides shall play each other in the first fixture of the league.


A player may play in more than one league division during the same calendar year. A player who resigns from an affiliated Club during the calendar year can no longer play for that Club during the same year, but she may, during that year play for any other affiliated Club which she may join AS A FULL AFFILIATED MEMBER. A player who during calendar year, resigns from OR is no longer a FULL AFFILIATED member of an affiliated Club may no longer play.

Each Club shall appoint a Manager for each side entered. The Manager shall be responsible for the following:

  • Declaring the sides along with the BSA Numbers on the Declaration Form. The Host Clubs Manager will sign the form as well. This form is to be sent to the Port Natal Office by 10h00 on Monday morning.
  • Collection and payment of green fees to the host club.
  • In conjunction with the host club’s manager conduct the draw for opposition and rinks.
  • In conjunction with their team’s skips ensure that all scorecards contain the names of all their players and are correctly completed.
  • Should there be no greenkeeper or club official on duty, the Managers of all the sides at that venue, shall decide on pausing or cancelling play due to adverse weather conditions. Player discomfort should only be considered in adverse humiture conditions.
  • Before leaving the venue, agreeing the overall points and shot differences with the host club’s manager.

The District Competition Secretary shall prepare the draw into divisions of six sides per division, with the previous year’s results determining promotion and relegation and the position in each section. Where entries dictate the number of sides per division may be reduced at the discretion of the Executive to accommodate the inclusion of as many sides as possible.

All sides in a division will play their fixtures at a common venue, with each round being played at a different venue.

Should a side or team fail to appear within 10 minutes after the time appointed for the commencement or resumption of a match the following shall apply:
If such side or team has contacted the host venue with an acceptable reason their non-appearance, they may be granted a 30minute extension to the appointed start time. If such side has a reason acceptable to the Executive for its failure to appear, the Executive shall decide if, when and where such a match shall be played or resumed:
If such side has no acceptable reason to the Executive for its failure to appear, the Executive may either award the match to the opposing side, giving it full points, or scratch the defaulting side from the competition and expunge all the results of the matches played by such sides from the records.

The winner of each league shall be the side with the most points but should two (2) or more sides have the same points, the winner shall be the side with the highest net score.

The side finishing bottom of the first league shall be relegated. From Division 2 onwards the side finishing at the top shall be promoted and in all other divisions the side finishing bottom in every league shall be relegated provided that:
a) If a side is due to be promoted and there are already two sides from the same Club in that division, then NO promotion of that side due to be promoted shall take place
b) If a side is to be relegated and there are already two sides from the same Club in the lower division, then the side due to be relegated shall be relegated to a division where one or no sides from that club exists.

Should an affiliated Club enter an additional side, that side shall be placed in the lowest league, unless the Executive decides otherwise. Should it be necessary to re-structure the leagues, the Executive shall have the power to promote or relegate more than two sides from each league.

If a side withdraws from a league before the completion of the league, the Executive shall expunge all the results of the matches played by such sides from the records.

Should any dispute occur, which cannot be settled by the respective Managers, such dispute shall be referred to the Executive within three (3) days of the completion of the match and the decision of the Executive shall be final and binding.

February 2024