Modus Operandi Standing Committees
Selectors, Coaches, Technical Officials, Greenkeepers and Membership & Marketing
APRIL 2022
1. General Conditions
The clauses in section 1 are applicable to all standing committees.
1.1 Nominations
1.1.1 Nominations for Standing Committees (SCs), all of whom shall be bona fide members of PNB, shall be made in writing by affiliated clubs, accompanied by the written acceptance of the nominee, together with their curriculum vitae (C.V.). The form and CV shall be in the possession of the Administration Manager not later than the 30” November preceding the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The required number of members for each of the respective SCs shall be appointed each year by the current Exco from those nominated and the names shall be announced at the AGM.
1.1.2 In the event of insufficient nominations being received for any of the SCs, those nominated shall be declared appointed at the AGM, after which Exco, may consult with the Convener of that SC on any recommendations, before filling the remaining vacancies at their first Committee meeting or as soon as possible thereafter.
1.1.3 The SCs shall be responsible and accountable to Exco.
1.1.4 Should any appointed SC member cease to be a member of an affiliated club he shall ipso facto cease to hold office on that SC.
1.1.5 In the event of such a vacancy occurring, Exco shall consult with the remaining members of that SC, but shall have the sole power to fill the vacancy.
1.1.6 No member shall serve on a SC for a period of more than five (5) consecutive years, without the majority approval of Exco.
1.1.7 At their first SC meeting following the AGM, the members shall nominate a Convener and a Secretary for the ensuing year.
1.2 Meetings and Reports
1.2.1 SCs shall hold meetings either monthly or as determined by prevailing circumstances. Minutes of these meetings shall be submitted to the District Secretary within one week of the conclusion of the meeting and shall be circulated to the respective members.
1.2.2 In the event of the Convener not being present at any scheduled meeting, the remaining members shall nominate a Chairperson for that meeting.
1.2.3 The SCs Convener or delegated SC member shall attend the monthly Exco meeting and submit either a written report on their current activities for the month under review or the minutes of their previous committee meeting.
1.2.4 Should any member of a sub-committee fail to attend any two (2) consecutive SC meetings, without furnishing a good and sufficient reason for such failure, Exco shall, after due consideration and consultation with the respective Convener, terminate his membership of the SC.
1.3 Banking Accounts and Expenses
1.3.1 Members of the SCs shall be entitled to be reimbursed for reasonable expenses, upon submission of satisfactory documentation, provided it is authorised and signed by the Convener.
1.3.2 SCs may not conduct banking accounts of any nature either in its name or in the name of PNB.
1.4 Standing Committee Dress Code
1.4.1 Members of the SCs are entitled to wear PNB Colours. Navy blue, white or cream longs or shorts, bowling shoes and an Exco approved shirt with the PNB logo, followed by the respective SC title. Bowling sandals are approved for women members.
2. Selectors
2.1 The separate Men’s and Women’s Selection Committees shall each comprise of five (5) members, who shall have playing experience of an acceptable level.
2.2 As and when required by Exco and subject to its ratification, be responsible for the selection of sides, teams and/or players to represent PNB at South African Inter District Championships, KZN Bowls Inter District Championships, respective Masters Singles, Qualifying Masters Singles and at any other tournaments in which such representation is required.
2.3 Exco reserves the right to declare a player ineligible for selection for compatibility and/or disciplinary reasons.
2.4 No appeals from the players will be considered.
2.5 A quorum shall consist of three (3) members personally present and, in the event of an equality of votes, the Convener shall have the casting vote.
2.6 Selectors are eligible for selection in any selected district representative team.
2.7 Selectors, whilst eligible to participate in the Open or Veteran Masters shall do so by qualifying via the respective Qualifying Events, with the exception being that they were a winner or runner-up in the previous year.
2.8 It shall not be competent for more than one (1) member of any one
(1) Club to be members of either the Men’s or Women’s Committees.
2.9 Funds raised in the name of PNB for inter-district teams are to be managed through the PNB banking account and dispersed on instruction from the nominated member of the SC
3. Coaches (DSCC)
3.1 The (DSCC) is to consist of six (6) persons a minimum of two should, where possible, be of the opposite gender and who individually shall:
3.1.1 be certificated Coaches (preferably level 2) with a level 1 Technical Official qualification;
3.1.2 have sufficient facilitating experience and coaching at club level.
3.2 The DSCC shall be responsible for:
3.2.1 conducting Assistant Coach (level A) and Level One Coaching Courses and their qualifying examinations according to Bowls SA requirements;
3.2.2 conducting refresher courses to ensure that qualified Coaches remain active on the Bowls SA database;
3.2.3 conducting coaching clinics at venues within the District in the interest of improving the general standard of play;
3.2.4 assisting, where requested, in the preparation of teams/players selected to represent the District;
3.2.5 holding regular meetings
3.3 A quorum shall consist of three (3) members being personally present and, in the event of the voting totals being equal, the Convener shall have the casting vote.
3.4 The Convener shall keep a record of the names, badge numbers,
email addresses and telephone numbers of all Coaches within PNB.
4. Technical Officials (TOs)
4.1 The Technical Officials Standing Committee (DTOSC), consisting of six
(6) persons, a minimum of two should, where possible, be of the opposite gender and who shall:
4.1.1 individually be certificated and registered Bowls SA Technical Officials (TOs), with preferably a minimum of a level 2 qualification and
4.1.2 have sufficient experience of officiating at District Events.
4.2 The DTOSC shall be responsible for:
4.2.1 conducting Markers, Level One and Level Two TO Courses and their qualifying examinations according to Bowls SA requirements;
4.2.2 conducting refresher courses, aligned with Bowls SA requirements, to ensure that qualified TOs remain active on the Bowls SA database;
4.2.3 l assisting and advising on all technical aspects pertaining to the game and the Laws of the Sport of Bowls, by holding seminars;
4.2.4 arranging suitable TOs to officiate at all District, Provincial and National Events held within the boundaries of the District from the quarter-final stage onwards;
4.2.5 assisting in the preparation and adoption of Conditions of Play for all District events, which shall be read in conjunction with the Standard Competition By-Laws of PNB;
4.2.6 holding regular meetings.
4.3 A quorum shall consist of three (3) members being personally present and, in the event of the voting totals being equal, the Convener shall have the casting vote.
4.4 The Convener shall keep a record of the names, badge numbers e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of all Technical Officials within PNB.
5. Greenkeepers
5.1 The Greens Standing Committee (DSCG) shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than six (6) persons who shall:
5.1.1 individually are certified and registered with Bowls SA as Greenkeepers (preferably Level One) or similar qualifications.
5.1.2 shall advise the Executive Committee and the affiliated Clubs regarding the condition and maintenance of the greens in the District.
5.1.3 support clubs in their drive to produce the finest playing surfaces possible.
5.1.4 arrange and conduct evaluations of the club greens to determine the best playing surfaces for District events
5.1.5 hold regular meetings
5.2 A quorum shall consist of not less than half the members with a minimum of three (3) being personally present and, in the event of the voting totals being equal, the Convener shall have the casting vote.
5.3 The Convener shall keep a record of the names, badge numbers,
email addresses and telephone numbers of all Greenkeepers within PNB.
6. Marketing (DSCM)
6.1 The DSCM shall consist of six persons, a minimum of two should, where possible, be of the opposite gender
6.2 The DSCM shall be responsible for:
6.2.1 preparing and implementing development strategies to promote the game of bowls across the broad spectrum of the South African population by focusing on the retention of the present bowling fraternity, recruitment of new bowlers and the development of the various facets of the game;
6.2.2 innovating new ideas and encourage enthusiasm amongst all administrators, players and potential bowlers;
6.2.3 supporting Clubs in their development projects to achieve PNB’s aims and objectives;
6.2.4 producing ways and means of promoting the game of bowls,
6.2.5 holding regular meetings.
6.3 A quorum shall consist of three (3) members being personally present and, in the event of the voting totals being equal, the Convener shall have the casting vote.
7. Membership (DSCMEM)
7.1 The DSCMEM shall consist of six persons, a minimum of two should, where possible, be of the opposite gender
7.2 The DSCMEM shall be responsible for:
7.2.1 Prepare and oversee programs (projects) to enhance the membership of PNB.
7.2.2 Introduce individual Schools to the Sport of Bowls with the aim of eventually having bowls recognised as a school sport at a provincial and/or national level.
7.2.3 Introduce individual Tertiary Institutions to the Sport of Bowls with the aim of eventually having the University Sport South Africa (USSA) recognise bowls as a sport code in the tertiary education sector of South Africa at regional level.
7.2.5 holding regular meetings.
7.2.6 A quorum shall consist of three (3) members being personally present and, in the event of the voting totals being equal, the Convener shall have the casting vote.