Affiliation Fee Policy


Port Natal Bowls (PNB) is an organisation engaged in an amateur sporting activity, which is primarily administered by volunteers with the goal of developing, co-ordinating and promoting the sport of Bowls. This body and its affiliated clubs do so for the benefit of its members, who regularly participate in the sport, be it socially or competitively. PNB is a member of KZN Bowls, who in turn is an affiliated to Bowls South Africa (Bowls SA), who is recognised by the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture and World Bowls as the only authority for administering bowls in the Republic of South Africa.

It therefore follows that PNB is an independent district within the province of Kwazulu Natal, created to coordinate policies, formulate rules of participation, facilitate and coordinate such participation, implement recognised internationally accepted rules and regulations and implement programmes aimed at continued exposure of the sport so that future participants are attracted to the game.

The singular benefit of these activities to each member is best obtained through the coordinated efforts of a collective entity for it is through this collective effort that economies of scale are achieved and the amalgamation of ideas is formulated. It follows that Affiliation fees should not be seen as something linked to competitiveness but rather a contribution to the continued support of a collective unit that is best positioned to coordinate activities for a number of entities.

By supporting the infrastructure of the sport affiliated clubs and their members have the benefit of structured and organised activities as well as the assurance that standards for umpiring, coaching, green-keeping and other matters of interest are maintained at the best standards available to all. The survival and prosperity of the sport has been as a result of the contribution made over many years by those individuals who have participated in the game, be it as a player or an administrator. The continued survival, so that future generations can enjoy our sport in a manner in which we all do today is reliant on the continued contribution that is made to Bowls SA, the Provincial and District Associations and individual clubs.

If we tear at this fabric we will slowly dismantle the benefits of collective control and simply force the diversion of costs back to the individual originators of such costs, losing all the benefits of economies of scale.

The true cost to control and administer our sport, which is undertaken by a vast force of volunteers, is incalculable and certainly unaffordable if it were to be factored in to our Club, District, Province or National body.

One of our core objectives is to ensure the future sustainability of our sport and it therefore follows that the policy of PNB is to abide by that of Bowls SA, which is that only registered bowlers may play on the bowling greens of affiliated clubs in South Africa. However, in line with the goal of developing the sport, structured activities aimed at involving people in the game are permitted but these programmes should not be of such a nature so as to replace the benefits associated with those who have permanent membership.